So I’ve been fretting a little about how I havent really taken advantage of the summer like I wanted to. Well I feel that in the last couple of weeks I have reconciled this concern and am well looking forward to fall. To wrap up the last couple of weeks I’ve:
- Gone tubing down the saco where we lost all our beer and were forced to ‘jump ship’ and save whatever we could.
- Got interntionally sloshed at a cabin up in NH
- Went skinny dipping with some friends in an ice cold river
- Went boating down river to a beach near my house I never knew existed
- Enjoyed a beautiful view of the north shore from a rocky coast while some tetrahydrocannabinol eased my mind of any worries
- Got lost in the middle of the woods at 3AM
- Went to an Italian festival where a firecracker display almost caught a telephone pole on fire
The whole time I had my Jeep’s top down, seat back.
So like I said…. I’m feeling pretty good about my end of summer horrah.
So how’s everyone else’s summers rounding off?