I Heart Wobbles

It started with this song. It made me want to jump out of airplanes, so I did. I was never big into techno, house or drum n’ bass but one thing led to another and I am now a Dubstep addict.

The filthiness of the wobbles and drops keep my brain working at peak performance as I make awesome WordPress plugins and websites. I am actually head-banging as I type this to an HD playlist of all the UKFDubstep tracks I embedded on this page. One time I was thinking about how much I miss Fresh Prince as a crazy drop started having sex with my eardrum. This is their offspring.

Another thing I learned is I love to dance. I mean I’m puertorican so I knew I was good at it, but I believe it was Rusko at this show that turned my legs into stomping machines as I proceeded to give myself whiplash.

Our next Dubstep show was Nero right after he released his new music video for Me & You. Nero redefined my idea of sweaty, drunk basements and I somehow wormed my way to the front of the crowed to catch his entire set. The pic on the left is me in the white button up. I had a lot of fun.

The next show we went to was Zeds Dead. Somehow we ended up next to the speakers which made for some great video but some sore eardrums after the fact.

There is no point to this post besides to spread the Dubstep. I spend most of my time playing in /r/dubstep on Reddit. Just let it happen.