End of Summer

So I’ve been fretting a little about how I havent really taken advantage of the summer like I wanted to. Well I feel that in the last couple of weeks I have reconciled this concern and am well looking forward to fall. To wrap up the last couple of weeks I’ve:

  • Gone tubing down the saco where we lost all our beer and were forced to ‘jump ship’ and save whatever we could.
  • Got interntionally sloshed at a cabin up in NH
  • Went skinny dipping with some friends in an ice cold river
  • Went boating down river to a beach near my house I never knew existed
  • Enjoyed a beautiful view of the north shore from a rocky coast while some tetrahydrocannabinol eased my mind of any worries
  • Got lost in the middle of the woods at 3AM
  • Went to an Italian festival where a firecracker display almost caught a telephone pole on fire
The whole time I had my Jeep’s top down, seat back.
So like I said…. I’m feeling pretty good about my end of summer horrah.
So how’s everyone else’s summers rounding off?

TV About Life …. and Pot

Favorite TV Station?



Two shows:

  • Weeds
  • Bullshit

So the problem is I haven’t had showtime since my sophomore year of college…. now about 3 years ago. Yet I have somehow managed to never miss an episode of Weeds and I try to stay on top of my Bullshit.

You may be saying… silly pot head, those are stupid pot head shows. Hold on a minute. Both have received multiple award nominations and touch on a bunch of topics besides drugs that will hit a lot of people close to home.

But lets just say, theoretically, i did smoke pot…. isn’t it bad for me. Well first I would say, go watch Penn and Teller’s Bullshit on the War on Drugs. Then I would tell you this….

At my last doctor’s appointment I was told I had an enlarged heart. At first they thought it was a cardiomyopathy but then I just found out, i have a big heart. Sounds awesome, except blood flows slowly through my body which makes me tired all the time. So i asked the doctor if there is anything I could do to make sure i stay healthy. He said “cut back on the alcohol”… not a problem because I dont drink much to begin with. Then I asked, well what about smoking …. “nope thats fine… you can do that all you want”.

So that’s my story everyone, stay healthy and get Showtime.

My Goal in Life: Being Promoted a Door

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/middle-of-the-night JD’s readers. I’m wonderfully honored to be guest blogging over here today while you’ll find Jon over on my site, compliments of the fabulous 20-Something Bloggers. The quickest tid-bits that’ll give you a glimpse into my world is this: I’m 26 years old, living in Austin, I have two dogs, am dating a Jon (always a great name), I have a relatively new job in the music industry, I work in human resources, and I’ve recently gone back to school to finish my degree in HR Management. Sadly, this pretty much sums me up in a nut shell (serves me right for taking on work and school I guess). This morning I arrived in the office, as always, thirty minutes earlier than the rest of crew and once AGAIN, found my stapler gone missing. Sounds crazy, I know, how this could possibly aggravate me… so here’s my story.

Over the past few months- well, couple of years really- I’ve begun to realize just how absolutely, utterly and undeniably fucking annoying it is to have an office smack-dab in the middle of the daily office traffic jam. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve often relished in the fact that I see everyone each morning and get to smile (and occasionally annoy) them with my “GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!” comment, hear all the latest gossip and news, and otherwise get to be included in on all the action- company-related or not. However, having a desk out in the open must have an invisible sign that reads, “Community Property”. Or maybe even, “Office Supplies Found Here!” in neon lights.

At my last place of employment, I was required to share my desk with others so they could cover my responsibilities while I was out to lunch or on vacation. I’d come back with a mound of scattered papers on my desk… so I’d sigh, scoop them up and haul off to my back-up’s area.

“Hey girl. Um, are these yours?”

“Oh yeah, I forgot those! Thanks.”

Pieces of hole punches would be littered across my desk, pens missing, radio still on (my station changed), and grease smeared on my phone. Yes. Grease. From certain individuals eating at my desk when there had existed a not-so-enforced company policy of no-eating-at-your-desk. Apparently, it excluded other people’s desks. Worse, the same person would routinely stop by my desk later in the day to ask if I have seen this and that of hers (occasionally even taking whatever it was of mine, given I had a replica).

More recently I’ve decided that even the smallest items I have strategically placed on my desk for convenience, have LEGS. Because somehow, they run off. Stickies, pens, my stapler and tape (those in which I usually hunt down across the building somewhere), you name it… I turn around about every other day and they’re GONE. Whole notebooks I had MY OWN NOTES ON would disappear. On occasion, someone will actually ask me to borrow something and I’d gladly let them haul off with it. Two days later, I’d get in early and have to perform my crazy scavenger hunt throughout the office to retrieve that item. I bet the view from the security cameras is quite hilarious.

Now really, I’m not this much of a hog or snob as I probably sound. I’m actually really laid back and great at sharing. However after nine years of this, I’m ready to post signs, wrap warning DO NOT CROSS tape everywhere, and otherwise take back my damn desk. In armor with a sword, readily waiting to chop off limbs reaching for my things.

After spending the weekend registering for the fall semester, hunting for the cheapest possible used spine-holding-on-by-a-thread textbooks I’m required to have next month and otherwise sorting through my budget for school and textbook payments, I began the official breakdown. I’ve been in a corporate environment going on ten years… five years exempt-level… four years HR, one of those years exempt. I have two years going at the not-so-fulltime-pace of school left to finish and by then, I’ll be certified as a PHR. The conclusion is this: I should be promoted to having an office with a DOOR within three to four years. Five max.

Honestly, given I’m in human resources, this isn’t exactly asking for a whole lot. Currently to have the confidential conversations my duties tend to require of me, I have to jump through the hoops of booking one of the conference rooms (I already need my armor and fencing skills for that task as it is) or wander outside to the park benches in 100+ degree Texas heat all geared up in work attire. The highlight of my days, as always.

One day, oh just maybe one day, I’ll get that door promotion I dream of for my future. A door where I can hang a sign that reads, “Welcome to Vegas: What’s Said Here, Stays Here” or something cheesy to that effect. In the meantime however, as I try to be patient with those around me, I might just write up a company posting on office etiquette. Or post a huge sign on my desk that reads “Everything HERE stays HERE ASSHOLES”.

The Big Move

The big move is done and over with. Now I just have to get everything situated into its rightful place. Unfortunately everything DID NOT go smoothly here’s a break down of what went wrong…

  • The landlord and my roommate miscommunicated about the pickup time for the keys and we didnt end up getting the keys until 8PM Saturday night, we were supposed to be in by noon.
  • The UHaul was delayed because their computers went down. Then they had no record of us even having the UHaul
  • Comcast canceled on us (no big surprise there)
  • The couch did not fit up the stairs (now we have to buy a futon)

So did anything go right?

  • Well our neighbors are really nice
  • We have awesome friends that came to help us move at 9PM on a Saturday night
  • The bathroom is all set up
  • My car insurance went down

But finally I am moved in. I am back in Bevtown and loving it. In between the beach and some sweet little coffee shops. All I need in life.

Your marketing smells like shit

No it’s not what you think. I’m talking about people who love the sound of their own voice and try way to hard to make themselves sound smart.

I work for a marketing company, and part of the reason why I do so well is because I am passionate about what I do. When i talk to a client I came make them believe in whatever I am selling them because I honestly believe it as well.

The problem is when marketers don’t know what theyre talking about. I develop a nervous tick in my left eye and my gut stats churning. Every word they spew just reaks of bullshit.

So here’s what you need to do:

  • Cut the shit
  • Keep it simple
  • Keep it short
  • Know what your talking about
  • Believe what your talking about

That’s my recipe for success right there. Enjoy!

My Jeep Weekend

I haven’t written in awhile and here’s why. My Jeep. I love my Jeep. It’s been very nice recently and I’ve wasted no time, and alot of gas, getting that thing out on the road with the top off. There’s nothing like it. Especially when you catch a warm sunset by the ocean.

Now is it worth it? I find myself broke by wednesday because gas is so expensive, but you know what? I dont care. I’ve wanted a wrangler forever, legit, forever. And now I’ve got it. So I’m gonna drive it till it breaks (please don’t break).

So there it is. My minipost of greatness. My car being the greatness.

Weekend at the cabin

Monday back behind my laptop at work and I can’t get my mind out of New Hampshire. I love weekends up at the cabin. We just drink, drink, play some drinking games, drink and eat food.

So what was on the menu this weekend:

  • Food
    • Lemon peppered shrimp on the BBQ
    • Burgers
    • Hot Dogs
    • Buffalo wings (from scratch)
    • Burger King
  • Drinks
    • Bud Light
    • Miller Light
    • Longhamer IPA
    • Longhamer Summer Ale
    • Longhamer Blonde Ale
    • Longhamer Ale

All in all a great weekend of food and drink. Lots of beirut and some game you play with ski poles, bottles and a frisbee.

However in true fourth of july fashion, the cops yelled at us to stop lighting off fireworks. I may be mistaken but i thought it was legal to light off fireworks on a private beach in new hampshire before 10pm. Oh well, maybe it was.

How a little chicken salad can save a relationship

Hi, I’m Jenn. I’m over here from my usual spot at jenn(uinely) rambling… (and you can find Jon over there today (or maybe tomorrow), if you want to catch up with him; It’s all part of the Great 20SB Blog Swap).
I’d be surprised if Jon and I share any readers, so I’ll start off with an introduction in bullets. I’m:

  • 23
  • Living in NZ with my partner D and our kitten Trudy
  • Half way through my first year as a real grown-up
  • Pretty happy all round at the mo
  • Trying to figure out what to do with my life
  • A big fan of Arrested Development

But for today, none of that really matters, cos today I’m gonna post about the suckiness that is life sometimes.

Last year, D and I were long distance. And it sucked. Like, totally sucked. Not all the time, but we most definitely had our moments. Both of us had moments that we’re not proud of, we had a hell of a lot of arguments, broke up, cried.

Fortunately, we also laughed, danced, kissed, smiled, cuddled and talked very openly about our relationship. And in the end it was the positives that won out, and even made us stronger.

For the first few weeks, it was all sweet. We were stoked to see each other again. We had those movie-type-running-jump-hugs in the airport. We spent the whole weekend attached at the hip. We couldn’t stop talking to each other about what was going on. We made out at the movies like teenagers.

But after a few months the cracks started to show.

Until you’ve been there, it’s really hard to understand. Since you’re not seeing each other all the time, when you do get to see each other you have to cram the last (week/fortnight/month) of emotions into one (weekend/day/hour). Add the fact that the first wee bit has a tendency towards awkwardness, and you’ve got a confusing time ahead of you. You finally get to see each other, and something annoys you. So you get snarky. And you argue. And the fact that you argue annoys you (because you’re supposed to be making the most of the time together) and you just get madder and madder.
The little thinks that would have been dealt with in 2 seconds during the week suddenly become arguments. And the arguments become fights.
It’s like a time bomb, set to go off most weekends that you spend together.

And all of this makes you wonder…

Makes you wonder if the good times are good enough to make up for the bad. Makes you wonder if it’s all worth it. Makes you wonder if you can hack it.
(or maybe it’s just me…)

Now, I don’t want to give you the impression that all our time together was bad. Far from it. But the bad has a tendency to really stick in the mind. And it gets harder and harder to remember the good times. You can quickly forget the wonderful dinner filled with sparkling conversation.
But no matter how many times you ctrl+alt+delete, you can’t stop the memory of the fight you had over the fact that the bedroom was too hot. No one had done anything ‘wrong’, but the emotions came up, and the hot bedroom turned into “you never care about how I feel” “just cos you’ve good a good homeostasis system doesn’t mean that I’m happy” “just cos you’re in the mood doesn’t mean I am” “you’re never in the mood, you don’t find me attractive anymore” “when you make leaps like that, I don’t know why I even bother”…

After a few weekends of this, we decided we needed to get past it, or the relationship wasn’t going to come out the other end at all (let alone intact).

And the key for us was a few well placed jokes or ‘diffusers’. Basically, we stopped taking ourselves, and what was happening, so bloody seriously! The person who noticed that we were on this path would come out with “Oh Chicken salad” “Dun dada dun dada dun dada Shiny Scalpel, Dun dada dun dada dun dada Gonna slice ’em up” “Bum-bum bwada” (…we are also big fans of Scrubs). And we’d (mostly) manage to change the subject, and get back to having some fun together.

This didn’t always work, and there were still sucky times. But we got through the year. And now we’re living together alone for the first time. In a new city. Where we didn’t know anyone before we moved up. So we need to get along, cos if we don’t, we got no one.

And I couldn’t be happier… (with our relationship, work’s another story for another day).

Just goes to show that life isn’t so bad after all. Even when things are going down the gurgler, there’s bound to be a way out. My big advice is – You just gotta get over yourself!

Now, I’m hoping to inspire Jon back to his theme of ‘making the most of life when it’s all going to shit’, and I think I need your help. And all that you need to do is answer my question.

How do you get through the bad times? What are your tips and tricks for getting life back on track?

Easy as.

Hope you enjoyed the blog swap!